I'm writing this as an article because I'm trying to defend myself from the Man. If you have ever been accused of something and your accusers are police personnel, it is a lose-lose situation. Once you fall out of the circle of Law Enforcement employment, it can be worse than being treated like a convicted criminal. They can always use the excuse, that they had to do what they did or what they are going to do.
Last night, I received a phone call from a friend of mine who still works for the Denver Police Crime Laboratory. He told me that he is about to retire and we talked about what he is going to do when he retires. He also said that he could now talk about statements that were made in his presence (a meeting where several people were present), about an e-mail (last February) that I had sent to him, supervisory members of the Crime laboratory and the Denver Police Department. It is chilling to know what they still think of me and the possible ramifications. Law enforcement has almost unlimited powers.
Here is a copy of the most recent e-mail that I sent to my friend.
Here is the posting you asked for.
The e-mail below was rewritten on 2-21-08 and posted on Zimbio as an article. I felt that I had nothing to hide and I was willing to let the world know what happened. I now know what they (DPD Lab) said when they read the e-mail (below), that I'm out of my mind and I'm still a threat. I think I will send a copy to the ACLU and the Colorado Attorney General's office. I may have to hire a lawyer, to file a deformation of character case plus protect myself from any physical force or action, they may bring against me. Without do process, they have found me guilty. It is apparent that they will not let this go away, that I have been branded for life and there is nothing I can do, unless I take legal action. If not for myself then for my wife.
A person has to fight for what is right. I can't have this false allegation (that I'm a threat and I might perpetrate violence in the future) hanging over my head. As crazy as these people appear to be, I have to protect Diane and myself, using legal actions. It is ironic that according to the newspapers, a Denver city employee, who put a knife to the throat of another city employee, is still working for the city. As I have pointed out before, the pen is mightier than the sword. Violence is not the way to settle things.
If these people who have guns and badges, paint me as a threat, what keeps them from acting on the premise that I have to be neutralized in one way or another. Forget the fact, the police psychologist found that I was not a threat to myself or anyone else. Or that I had verbally and in writing, asked for help in my fight against work place harassment (in the form of age discrimination) almost three years ago, from the very same people who are now saying, that I'm a present and future threat.
In conclusion, having worked for an agency for almost 34 years, one would have thought, that I would have had some friends. Maybe I deserved everything I got, or I worked with or for, "the Demons in Hell". Even though, I still have a copy of my certificate of "The 1995 Civilian Employee of the Year for the Denver Police Department", my name has been removed from the placard down in the entrance of the Denver Police Department Administration Building. I also understand, that right after I left, any pictures or other references to me, were removed from the laboratory by the order of the current Laboratory Director. Like in Stalinist Russia, when the Communists purged someone, they removed anything that reflected or gave reference to the person who was purged. That person was “Persona non grata”, he never existed. I wouldn't be surprised if my published Laboratory Reference Texts ((with my name (co-author) on the front of the hardbound manuals)), which were in the instrumentation room, were purged (I was responsible for the organic instrumentation section for over twenty five years). Like in Communist Russia, I'm that person “Persona non grata”, I never existed. Regardless of the fact there is scientific literature and even Web sites that prove the person in question, existed. I guess I'm lucky; I didn't get a bullet through the back of the head? If you know your Soviet Union history, getting shot in the head preceded having your name and identity purged.
wdmll "Professional Experience" link, click here
Other links for wdmll, click here
Web page for wdmll, click here
There are a number of links to my Arson Analysis Presentation that I developed, when I was employed by the Denver Police Department Crime Laboratory. Some are found in the above links and on other sites. This "Persona non grata" non-existent individual contributed to the Laboratory in a number of ways, over a period of thirty-four years. The Organic Instrumentation Laboratory Section was transformed from a small laboratory environment to a large modern laboratory environment, under my management. I'm confident that even though the Laboratory would have grown over time, it would not be one half (even one fourth) of what is today without my presence, guidance and endeavors. The arson analysis program that I started and ran was one of the best in the nation (go to link; taken from my Arson Analysis Presentation, go to slide #31). The multitude and complexity of "State of the Art" instrumentation for testing controlled substances (drugs) and other physical evidence was the result of my creativity and expertise. One of the laboratory’s major crime fighting tools grew from one gas chromatographic mass spectrometer to an array of gas chromatographic mass spectrometers (go to link). Virtually few crime laboratories if any, of any size in the nation have more gas chromatographic mass spectrometers per analyst than the Denver Police Department Crime Laboratory. These instruments are used for a variety of different types of physical evidence. Other instruments include spectrophotometers (go to link) and etc. Data is collected and displayed by sophisticated computer systems (go to link)। So my legacy in the Denver Police Crime Laboratory speaks for itself, even to this day. They might try to discredit what I’m saying, but they cannot deny the truth.
The following is an earlier article I wrote:
Personal insight into myself, in an e-mail that I wrote
http://www.zimbio.com/Non-Politically+Correct+View+of+America's+Crisis/articles/79/Personal+insight+myself+e+mail+wroteWritten by wdmll on Feb-21-08 5:55pm
This is an e-mail that I'm sending to several people, to some to say hey look at what I have done (an e-mail to you, family and friends). And to others (DPD), that I'm not a monster or killer waiting in the shadows. I have always been able to vent my frustrations through writing and not through violence (the pen not the sword). Go back and look at what I wrote to management and HR or you can review what the police psychologist had to say about me (not a threat to myself or anyone else). It has taken me almost three years to hold my head up and say, I'm innocent of the charges and all the doubters and cynics can lump it. All I was asking for at the time, was to be given the "benefit of doubt" and allowed to voice my side. I know that there are always two sides, but no one was willing to listen to what I had to say. Because of age discrimination I was harassed and when I raised my voice in a non-politically correct way, all hell broke loose. I have always voiced my concerns when backed into a corner or have had strong convictions about certain issues (see my current articles or writings on Zimbio pertaining to my concerns about illegal immigration and Islam). But instead of being run out of town as I was in 2005, I'm having my writings featured before a large audience. Had I thought that someone, anyone, just one person would have just extended a hand of friendship (support) during the last month of my employment (DPD) or during the last couple of years when I was facing the schoolyard bullies, maybe management could have seen what was going on.
Zimbio in BusinessWeek’s Best of the Web २००६
I have just copied the front page of Zimbio ( http://www.zimbio.com/ ), where my wikizine (Web magazine) “Non-Politically Correct View of America’s Crisis” http://www.zimbio.com/Non-Politically+Correct+View+of+America's+Crisis , is featured. (This honor is fleeting because of the number of incoming articles and new Wikizines)
It is projected that up to 40 million visitors will access Zimbio in the coming year. This site (the wikizine -- an interactive magazine that anyone can create or edit.) covers the entire spectrum of news categories, current events, politics, science, personalities, religion, Hollywood and just about anything that people want to write about or read about. It is not a conservative or liberal site. However, a magazine (wikizine) with articles like mine, have a limited audience due to the fact that many people may not want to read about serious issues like mine. Most people want to read about positive topics; articles about illegal immigration and Islam are not popular. So to have my articles featured (my wikizine), tells me that my writings and topics must have caught the attention of the editors of Zimbio. I have also received praise from Helium, another site for up and coming writers, but I didn’t believe I stood a chance with Zimbio. I don’t receive monitory benefits for my work, but that is not important. Even though, I have scientific publications and presentations under my belt, to have recognition for my political commentary is very satisfying. Being retired, sitting at home until my wife gets home from work (I do workout and keep active) and with minimal contact, writing keeps my mind active and gives me a positive outlook on life.
If you want to give this to any one else, go ahead (maybe they will be relieved to know that I have taken up other activities and I'm not plotting to do anyone in Ha, Ha). Update - For anyone who doesn't like the last non-politically correct statement, how do you think I feel being labeled a monster, someone who is a threat waiting to materialize? I have to wear this label for the rest of my life. No time off for good behavior, no reprieve, no pardon and no statute of limitations. (added 4-10-08)
I can now say that my Post Traumatic Stress is basically behind me. My name has been trashed and I will never get it back. I'm still looking for a job, but as time goes by, my age and the cloud that hangs over me, are against me. I have turned down a few chances at getting a job, in fear that the alleged "incident" would be discovered. Apparently, the concept of “schoolyard bullies” is now being looked at in this country. Back in 2005, Britain had laws against “schoolyard bullies” in the workplace and allowed employees to bring about a grievance (to HR) or in defense of alleged threats. One would think that after almost three years, I would get another chance (even a convicted criminal gets a second chance), but like a child predator, this allegation hangs around my neck like an albatross or the scarlet letter on my forehead. But I can now hear about a mass shooting and not go into a total panic, thinking that the SWAT team is out side my house. The nightmares are not as frequent. I still keep my ACLU card with their telephone number near by, for fear that I might run into one of my fellow former employees who are still willing to lie about what happened (or what was going to happen).
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