Saturday, November 17, 2007

The raised arm of the Statue of Liberty holding the torch of Freedom

We are witnessing in our own lifetime the beginning of the end of our culture. Our children’s children will grow up in a Latino dominated society. If you are not Latino then you are a Gringo. If you are African American, European extract, Hispanic, Asian, Native American or any other ethnic group in the current diverse melting pot, you and your family will be transformed into world of the "La raza cósmica". However, the Latino bronze people "la raza de bronce” will dominate and control the entire society. The language, culture and laws of Latin America will dominate. Latin America will extend from the tip of South America to the Canadian Arctic. The Anglo-Saxon or Germanic peoples will disappear; the African Americans, Asians, Native Americans and others will become isolated minorities. Los Estados Unidos de Américas will expand two continents and the Caribbean Islands.

What we are looking at is a multifaceted concerted endeavor to transform this country into a nation-less landscape, as part of a mega-country without borders from South America to Canada. Bush might be leading the charge but thousands of Americans, businesses, state governments, city governments and both political parties are complicit in the repopulation of this country, with Latino cheap labor and corridors of migration. This is happening all across this country. These entities because of the almighty dollar, rejuvenation of rural areas, a new voting block, globalization and etc., are willing to look the other way, as this country becomes a Spanish speaking culture. It is not only Bush and both political parties who are willing to sell their souls but countless individuals and enterprises. In my take of the future “In the Year 2030”, I speak of the mass migration from the Southern border and how this sets the groundwork for Middle Eastern fundamentalists, to establish Sharia Law after the US Constitution is eradicated. At minimum, the future of this country entails the possible disintegration, into balkanized regions of different cultures and languages.

Europe also faces the crisis of its life; birth rates are declining, immigrant Muslim populations are exploding, and the cradle of Christianity seems to have lost the will to survive. Europe is unable to face the life-and-death challenges that now confront it. These considerations, obviously, have implications much larger than Europe.

The USA is starting to see the implications of Sharia Law and encroachment of Islam in this country. We are busy fighting radical Islam from afar, but not securing our borders. Once Islam gets a foothold in this country it will spread like cancer. With the Southern border infiltration by the Latino culture and language, our very existence is at stake. Like Europe, we have multiple (not unlike Rome of old) forces attacking us. The forces are the Latino culture, the Islamic culture and Secularism from within. Without a strong moral foundation, a civilization implodes and the barbarians rush in. When Czarist Russia fell the Communists did not lead the charge, they came in after the fact. This is what is going to happen here, first the Latino transformation followed by Islam taking over. As with Communist Russia or Nazi Germany, it takes only a small percent of the population to gain control. Not by outright force, but by using their constitutional rights to overthrow the government.

Our country is now moving into the next chapter. It is now the dawn of something that we are just starting to clearly see. No matter how hard we resist, the deeper we sink into the quagmire. Like in the “Planet of the Apes”, the partially buried body of the Statue of Liberty (holding the torch symbolizing Freedom), will be all that remains of our society.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Limited room in the lifeboat

We are in this lifeboat (called the USA) that has only limited room and to survive, we have to limit the number of people. If we don’t, our culture will disappear.

I was born in Hawaii. Before the end of WWII my mother brought me to the States. While on our sea voyage, we were under constant threat of attack by submarines. A Japanese torpedo (two days outside of San Francisco) hit the other troop transport ship. The submarine surfaced and machine-gunned the survivors. My father, who was in the Navy at the time, was back on the Island of Oahu (Honolulu, Hawaii). My grandfather had been taken prisoner on Wake Island by the Japanese and later died in Japan. My grandfather on my mother’s side was a tall blond of German stock. Had he been born in Nazi Germany, he would have probably been an example of the so-called super race. But he was born in the USA and went on to be singled out because of his ethnicity, by the Japanese. Racists come in many varieties, my grandfather’s executioner happen to be Japanese. My Celtic surname translated into English, means black or dark stranger. My father and I are short and stocky with dark brown hair. So my father who later had his naval vessel blown out from under him and my grandfather who died in Japan, were victims of the racist policies of Imperil Japan, during WWII. My mother and grandmother had been left by themselves, on the Island of Oahu (Honolulu), for most of the war. My mother has stories of how it was to be one of two lone women with a baby, stranded in a war zone, under martial law. The night of December 7th 1941, my mother and grandmother were going to comment suicide if the Japanese had landed on the Island. They knew what the Japanese had done to women and children in China. The next day they fled into the interior, avoiding the military troops who had orders to shoot to kill. Luckily, they were able to return home without being discovered by the roadblocks. During the rest of the war, they saw death a number of times.

Before the war, my mother and her parents lived on Maui. My mother grew up on a sugar plantation. They lived a life not to far removed from the plantations in the South before the American Civil War. They didn’t have slaves but the non-whites were subclasses and my mother and her parents had servants. My grandfather fraternized with the locals and was considered a rebel by some of the other whites. My father, who was in the Navy before and during the war, met my mother on Maui. I was born on Oahu about two months after the Japanese attacked Pear Harbor. So my parents lived in Paradise before it was destroyed by the War. However, I don’t think that the locals and other nonwhites viewed it the same way as the whites. I have been back to Hawaii and to other Pacific Islands (Guam), several times and it appears that the aboriginal peoples are slowly reclaiming some of their heritage.

So in some ways like my grandfather and my father, I sometimes champion the underdog. But at the same time, we have to face that we are under siege and we have to be vigilant. There are forces that want to put our nation in peril. The ocean is filled with dangers and the sharks are circling. There will be a point when taking on more survivors could swamp the lifeboat. Being the Good Samaritan could endanger all of us regardless of what ethnic group we belong to.


As with all in the ebb of time, there is a beginning and an ending. No man, Nation or even the Universe, can escape Time. The two universal constants are motion and change. Nothing remains anchored in time or escapes the ravages of time. We have reached the pinnacle and our nation and society are in the throes of late middle age of life. Within a short period of time, our nation will fall into the pit of once expansive and mighty empires. As with all that germinates and blossoms, the petals are starting to wilt. The party is over but the partygoers (the American people) are in a state of denial and continue in revelry. Expansive buffalo herds once stretched across the plains and the Native Americans lived off the land, but their time has come and gone. We as a Nation were a great civilization. We made mistakes but overall our Nation will be remembered in History, as one of the best. The fat lady is about to sing and the next act is about to start. Time is supreme and nothing stands in its way. If there is a God then it must be time (Father Time).

Is time going to pass us by?

The USA like all Empires has a beginning and an ending. The conquest and colonization of the Americas by the Europeans was completed in less than four hundred years. The Expansion of the USA into the Pacific and parts of the Caribbean and Latin America continued into the last part of the nineteenth century. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the USA was reaching into the rest of the world. Like Europe, The USA at times, used conquest and colonization to satisfy its appetite. After WWII the USA became a major player in the world. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the USA has become the New Rome. Like Rome, the USA has now reached the point of implosion. Not unlike Rome, we are inviting cheap labor and migration to replace our population and at the same time, outsourcing. We are no longer a nation of productivity but a country of consumption. There are external forces wanting to surpass us or even engulf and replace our way of life. Internally we are losing our moral fabric. All that counts is the all might dollar and materialism. We now spend our leisure time watching gladiators performing in coliseums. Family has less meaning and we are becoming more secular.

We don’t have to ponder the future; all we have to do is look at what happened in Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the beginning of the Dark Ages. Islam is on the move again, here in the USA and Europe. The Latino Culture is reclaiming vast regions of this country. What this country is going to look like in the next twenty to forty years is not a mystery, if we stop and look around, we know what is coming.

Earlier Clash of Civilizations.

This nation is facing a crisis because of illegal immigration and the Islamic intrusion. But Columbus Day points to an earlier clash of civilizations. Having been in the Navy (in the sixties) and spent time in the Mediterranean, I saw a replica of the Santa Maria (Christopher Columbus’s flag ship). Also being of Celtic extract and spent time in Ireland and Oban Scotland (the home of my clan), I am aware of the English abuses of the Celtic peoples of the British Isles. I sent time on the Caribbean Islands of Nevis and Saint Kitts (named after Columbus). My wife worked on the Island of Saint Kitts. The two Islands are rich in the history of the colonization of the western world. Columbus sighted Nevis in 1493 (on his second voyage to the New World). He called it Las Nieves, Spanish for snows, because its mountains reminded him of the snow-capped range in the Pyrenees. Thomas Jefferson’s grandfather owned a sugar plantation on Saint Kitts. Alexander Hamilton was born on Nevis. The last battles of the American Revolution were fought in the area; in 1782 Brimstone Hill fortress (on Saint Kitts) fell to the French. The Kalinago Indians allowed the first Europeans (English and French) to colonize Saint Kitts. Excerpts taken from: Saint Kitts and Nevis- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. All earlier attempts to settle other islands were met with immediate destruction of the colonies by the Indians. The Kalinagos (known as Caribs by the Europeans) were eventually completely wiped out on Saint Kitts, in the great Kalinago Genocide of 1626. I spent time walking through the ruins of 17th century sugar cane plantations on Saint Kitts, where Indian slaves labored before the introduction of African slaves. I also walked on the beaches of the eastern side of Nevis, possibly where the native people, first sighted the small wooden Spanish ships.

As bad as the Spanish treated the native populations in their colonies (South America, Central America and Mexico), not all English colonists were saints in North America. At first the Native Americans and the Pilgrims (of present day Plymouth, Massachusetts), worked together to till and plant the first successful crops. Excerpts taken from Duane A. Cline 2006 (The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony: 1620). The first feast of Thanksgiving (another national holiday now protested by Native Americans), in October of 1621, was a harvest festival filled with fellowship, good food and games. The Pilgrims had a deep and sincere friendship for the natives. But the peace born of mutual support and trust eventually eroded. The small pox epidemic of 1633-34-swept away thousands Native Americans and made more land available for the English. Full-scale war eventually erupted between the increasing number of colonists and the Indians. The following are excerpts from: Anglo-Powhatan Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In Virginia, in the Tidewater War of 1644-1646, Indian attacks enraged the English colonists who then launched raids on Indian villages, nearly destroying the Powhatan people. The peace treaty in 1646 erased any hope of the colonists and Native Americans being able to peacefully coexist. The Native Americans were displaced from their ancestral lands and the reservation system began. So like the Kalinago Genocide of 1626 on Saint Kitts, the English (illegal immigrants in the eyes of the Indians) replaced the native populations.

The English colonies became the USA and the colonization and displacement of the Native Americans continued. The Indian Wars of the West were the last efforts by the native peoples to resist from being driven from their lands. The Trail of Tears, (plus the Sand Creek and the Wounded Knee massacres) and the Nes Prece (Chief Joseph) fight for freedom, are only a few examples of Native American resistance and defeat. The butcher of Sand Creek, John M. Chivington, appeared on a Denver stage where he delighted audiences with his war stories and displayed 100 Indian scalps, including the pubic hairs of women and was honored with a widely attended parade through the streets of Denver just two weeks after the massacre. Taken from excerpts of PBS - The West - John M. Chivington. So Denver is the right place to protest Columbus Day. After all, these are the same streets Native American scalps and female parts were proudly displayed by Chivington’s troopers in 1864.

So if Martin Luther King lead protests in Birmingham why isn’t right for Indians to protest Columbus Day in Denver? After all, Columbus opened the floodgates of the largest colonization and displacement of aboriginal peoples the world has seen since the beginning of civilization. The Native American lost of life due to disease, famine, slavery and warfare in the Americas was in the tens of millions. As bad as African slavery was with the lost of life in the millions due to disease, slavery and murder; look at the present populations of African Americans and Native Americans. Today where are the vast concentrations of Native Americans, compared to African Americans? What sports do Native Americans dominate, where are the Native American politicians, and other Native American Leaders. As bad as it is for African Americans in this country, they have Africa to identify as their ancestral origin and black Africans now largely control Africa.

The Americas are lost forever to the Native Americans. They are the invisible people, like the buffalo, they had to be eradicated. They had no value; at least the African slave had value.

So like Nero, we fiddle while Rome burns.

We as a people, as a nation, as the leader of the western world, are witnessing the beginning of the end of our place in History, as one of the great civilizations. Western civilization as we know it is about to change.

The population of the world has reached critical mass. Globalization, greed, economic changes, outsourcing, the migration of the third world, availability of food and water, environmental pollution, the changing climate and the spread of Islam are about to clash. It is as if the earth is a biosystem, a living entity that is about to dislodge humanity or reduce its numbers. Humanity is but a moment in the march of time, the Universe and this planet were here long before man and will be here long after man.

Change is a constant and normally we can’t see beyond today. We are at that point in time where the future has been laid out before us and we don’t like the cards that we have been dealt so like Nero, we fiddle while Rome burns.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Illegal Immigration

The film "A Day Without a Mexican” is a 2004 low budget film about the disappearance of all the illegal immigrants (Mexicans) from California. It portrays the Anglos (anyone who is not Hispanic or of French descent) and all others as bigots and totally dependent on the illegal immigrants. It is a propaganda film “at best” and a concerted effort to keep the borders open and possibly planting the seeds of “recolonisation”. It points out that all of the states in the West and South West were at one time part of Mexico. Apparently the film is popular in California and Texas. In addition, it does not deal with Home Land Security.

You can’t beat a birth rate. At the present rate of illegal immigration, anchor babies and growth of the legal Latino population in this country, the day is coming when the US will be a “Latin American Country”. I am not talking about a culture base on the Founding Fathers, but on a “Spanish” speaking people, “Latin American Country”. Where in the Hispanic countries of this hemisphere do you find a country close to our values? We don’t live in a perfect country and our country’s history is filled with injustice. But compared to the rest of the world, we have the best government and nation. Many of the Hispanics coming to this country are seeking a better life, but if they don’t assimilate and are not kept at a reasonable rate of growth, the excess baggage (corruption and poverty) that they bring with them will overtake this country. Do we want our children and grandchildren to live in a country of five hundred million people dominated by the values of Latinos such as Hugo Chavez or other leftist leaders? What about the old dictators like Juan Peron or the corrupt governments of Mexico? What about the poverty? No middle class, unabated crime, drugs, prostitution of children and the killing of young girls. The United States of America is heading down the road of a “Third World Country”. Are we as a people going to standby as our leaders (both the Democrats and Republicans) sell their souls for the “ Latino vote” and the corporate dollar made off of “Latino cheap labor”?

We have to proactively take back our country at the ballot box, close the borders (with the military and/or a fence) and remove the incentive for illegal immigrants to easily find work without proper documentation. Adapt some kind of seasonal and/or limited visiting work permits (agreement by both the US and Mexico by which Mexican laborers would obtain work permits in Mexico before entering the US). Penalize and incarceration of US employers who break the law by hiring undocumented workers. Apply the same laws to illegal immigrants as are applied to US citizens (plus deportation when required). In addition, pass or enact laws forbidding illegal immigrants access to free medical care and other services now afforded to illegal immigrants (other than for humane purposes or through the visiting work permits). The application of the Fourteen Amendment, as it was originally designed. Review the guidelines for legal immigration such as quotas and require assimilation of legal immigrants (learning English and etc.).

IF we don’t take action now before it is to late, then we will become a balkanized country ripe for an uncertain future.

The Invisible People

I have a culture and country that I can look back to for my identity. The Native American has no country or land that he can call his own. I have gone to Scotland and went through some of the castles my clan built. The Scots were conquered by the English but the Scots now have control of their own destiny and have their own identity.

The Native Americans are a conquered people who will never be a major player again in this country. All they want is to preserve their identity. In the first part of the twentieth century, the Indian children were taken from the tribes and put into government boarding schools. They had to dress like the white man. They were not allowed to speak their native tongue. They were stripped of their identity, dignity, cultures, and lands. How would that be any different than if after World War II if we had forced the Japanese people to give up their culture, their language and religion, to have colonized Japan (displaced them with Europeans). Remember Japan invaded the USA (Hawaii).

The Native American was vanquished by our forefathers because they thought that the Red Man was subhuman, a savage. The land was for the taking, the European was superior, we had firearms and we didn’t care how many Indians died. Colonization, slavery, disease, displacement and the gun took its toll on the Native American.

Throughout history, many cultures and races have been subjected to slavery, conquest and displacement but in addition, the original peoples of the Americas were nearly eradicated. Today they are the invisible people, a conquered people, subjected to unemployment, poverty, suicide, and alcoholism.

Take the time to look at the wind blown prairies, the mountains, the forests and wetlands; you just might see the spirit of a once proud people. I read in an article that in the near future the full-blooded Native American (in this country), will fade into history.

Why is modern man a Kaleidoscope and what are the consequences?

There are many factors that result in the disparities between cultures and ethnicity. Science says that modern man originated in Kenya. The African ancestry of the human race is now generally accepted as a fact. Dr. Eric Higgs, of Cambridge University has made a study of the migration of ancient men, and claims that the first man of Europe came to the continent from central and east Africa about 200,000 years ago. Professor Chester Chard, of the University of Wisconsin, has studied the routes of early men who left Africa to colonize the rest of the world, and he has concluded that there were four prehistoric migration routes from Africa to Europe. Other evidence suggests modern man evolved independently at several sites much earlier including Africa, China and Indonesia. Homo Sapiens, Modern Man, exists from 100,000 B.C. to present time, and many say he is well established in Europe, Africa, Asia, America and Australia at this time. Homo Sapiens appears to have emerged and spread throughout the world from two primary sources, South East Asia (Mongoloid) and Africa (Negroid) during the Pleistocene age (600,000 to 10,000 B.C.). Genetic research seems to support this two subspecies of modern man theory. The Y chromosome studies in men suggest modern Europeans migrated to Europe from central Asia and the Middle East in two major waves of migration.

By 12,000 years ago at the latest, human populations had spread into most of the habitable regions of the globe, including Australia and North and South America. With the aid of their flexible, rapidly evolving cultures, these groups, loosely organized, as small bands of "hunter-gatherers," were able to adapt to virtually all the climate zones and environmental niches on the planet, from the Arctic to temperate zones to the tropics. According to the publication “Agricultural Revolution”, Washington State University.

Human history's most important event since the last Ice Age was the first rise of agriculture in Southwest Asia's Fertile Crescent. The origin of agriculture triggered a long train of economic, political, and technological developments, which began there and spread outward. According to the publication –Location, Location, Location: The First Farmers, by Jared Diamond.

The first farmers spread agriculture across the globe; they also sowed seeds for most of today's languages, researchers from UCLA and the Australian National University conclude in the most up-to-date survey of research in the field. Because food production conferred enormous advantages on farmers compared to hunter-gatherers, it triggered outward dispersals of farming populations, bearing their languages and lifestyles," added co-author Peter Bellwood, an ANU professor of archaeology. "Over time, the farmers' languages tended to replace the languages of the hunter-gatherers whom they encountered."

In conclusion, the people who remained in Sub-Saharan Africa were not subjected to the same climate changes as those who left. They remained hunter-gatherers. Those who migrated had to adapt. Necessity is the mother of invention. Today's ethnic diversity and socio-economic disparities (and problems) are the result of the adaptation to different climates and resulting ethnic pigment differences.

But is the above conclusion totally true? In the last five thousand or so years, other major factors have contributed to the makeup of Mankind. Explosive population growth, the development of civilizations, war, conquest, slavery and colonization have all brought about changes in the original indigenous populations, that were established before Civilized Man came on the scene. While many aboriginal peoples have been reduced or eradicated, new ethnicities have evolved through the mixing and procreation of the vanquished and the conquerors. But in reality there are not different races, only the Human Race (Mankind). Genetically there is only one human species; modern humans are generally genetically the same.

According to Professor Stanley H. Ambrose, the last glacial period was preceded by 1000 years of the coldest temperatures of the Late Pleistocene, apparently caused by the eruption of the Mount Toba volcano. The six-year long volcanic winter and 1000-year-long instant Ice Age that followed Mount Toba's eruption may have decimated Modern Man's entire population. Genetic evidence suggests that Human population size fell to about 10,000 adults between 50 and 100 thousand years ago. The survivors from this global catastrophe would have found refuge in isolated tropical pockets, mainly in Equatorial Africa. Populations living in Europe and northern China would have been completely eliminated by the reduction of the summer temperatures by as much as 12 degrees centigrade.

Volcanic winter and instant Ice Age may help resolve the central but unstated paradox of the recent African origin of Humankind: if we are all so recently "Out of Africa", why do we not all look more African?

Because the volcanic winter and instant Ice Age would have reduced populations levels low enough for founder effects, genetic drift and local adaptations to produce rapid changes in the surviving populations, causing the peoples of the world to look so different today. In other words, Toba may have caused Modern Races to differentiate abruptly only 70,000 years ago, rather than gradually over one million years. (Extract from "Journal of Human Evolution" [1998] 34, 623-651), by Professor Stanley H. Ambrose of the Department of Anthropology, University Of Illinois, Urbana, US.

Since then, ice sheets (Ice Ages) have been advancing and retreating. The end of the last Ice Age (10.000 years ago) and resulting Global Warming ushered in the establishment of Mankind becoming the major player on Earth. Even though this planet is in a state of continual change, Man like no other current species of life (other than bacteria and viruses), appears to be a major contributor to the ecosystem of Earth. The earth is in a constant state of upheaval and cyclic change (so is our solar system and the Universe). So will Man help bring about Global Warming or another Ice Age? Only time will tell. But without a clean environment, Man in his present genetic composition, might not be able to continue to live on Planet Earth. Maybe with genetic engineering changes, Mankind could adapt to a harsh environment and not perish. But then Man would be again changing his appearance and socio-economic ramifications, to meet the climate and environmental challenges. Man may have to step out into space and onto other celestial bodies, to maintain his species. But then Man would have to adapt to new solar and environmental conditions (plus gravitational differences and different atmospheres) and over time, genetically evolve into different intelligent life forms (non-human alien races). Time and Change are the controllers of the Universe. And what or who controls Time and Change?

Islam and Christianity Today

There have been several television cable programs, about what is taught to the Islamic masses by the Imams. It is evident that young Islamic people are being brainwashed with hate. The Soviet Union (Russia) and Nazi Germany indoctrinated their youth. Both countries were able to gain power, without the majority of their countrymen supporting Stalin and Hitler. But once the winds of change started to blow, there was no way of stopping the “Grim Reaper”.

Beginning in the Seventh Century, the tentacles of Islam reached across much of the known world. Today, Islamic Jihadists are on the move again. The sword of Muhammad spread early Islam. The sword of Rome, not the teachings Jesus, spread Christianity. Today, Christianity does not use the sword for conversion. Islam following the teachings of Muhammad requires submission of nonbelievers. Muslims cannot convert to another religion, under threat of death. Muhammad on his deathbed cursed both the Jews and the Christians. It is said that Jesus forgave those who crucified him.

Today, the Christian Reformation has the teachings of Jesus to guide its followers. Islam has no reformation to follow. The reason is because unlike the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Muhammad have no tolerance for nonbelievers or Muslims who go astray. Once the Islamic Imams get hold of the Islamic youth, there will be no difference between the Jihadists and moderate Muslims. Today, the Jihadists have the time, a high birth rate and indoctrination to increase their numbers as they follow the teachings of Muhammad, in their conquest of the world.

Osama Bin Laden declared war on the USA after we sent troops to protect Saudi Arabia (1991). Apparently the Prophet on his deathbed also said that nonbelievers were not allowed in the Muslim holy lands. Sayyid Qutb an Egyptian is best known in the Muslim world for his work on the social and political role of Islam. He wrote Ma'alim fi al-Tariq (1964) a call to action, to re-create a Qur’anic Muslim world. It is believed that his book is a manifesto used by the Jihadists.

Peace on Earth and Goodwill (tolerance) to All Men

The teachings of Muhammad and the Qur’an, teach that Islam is the religion of submission and peace. But the word “peace” really means submission or surrender of the world, to Sharia Law (The law system inspired by the Koran and the Sunna). The word “tolerance” means third-class citizenship, for the people of the book (Jews and Christians), (now includes other religions). The term “Dhimma” is used for non-Islamic people. So to Muslims, nonbelievers are Dhimmis, third-class citizens who are or will be subjected to Sharia Law. Dhimmis are allowed to practice their religions, subject to certain conditions. They are allowed to enjoy some measure of autonomy and are guaranteed personal protection, in return for paying tribute and acknowledgment of Muslim supremacy.

A non-Muslim cannot bring evidence against a Muslim in a Muslim court of law. Islam does not recognize other non-Islamic legal systems because of its goal to spread Islam worldwide. There will be no difference between a moderate Muslim and a radical Muslim; this is the way it will be under an Islamic World State.

In the Islamic world of the future, the nonbelievers will be Dhimmis and Muslims will not be able to convert to other religions under penalty of death (as it is in some countries today). Muslim women will be subjected to a class below Muslim men (as it is in many countries now). Sharia Law will apply to all (the blade is kept sharpened). The means of this transformation will be by conquest, Jihad, immigration, colonialization, birth rate and indoctrination of the masses by the Imams. Not unlike in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia of the Twentieth Century, the youth are indoctrinated (now by the Imams) in Islamic schools (madrasi). Moderate and radical Muslims view the journey to this transformation differently, but in the end the results will be the same. What a Muslim says to a non-Muslim is not what he means or says when he is conversing with another Muslim, pertaining to the same subject matter. In the Muslim World, there is no right or wrong, only the word of Allah and his Messenger.


Next on the list of the New World Order and the Politically Correct Left, will be our freedom of speech and the right to have arms.

Before the dawn of civilization, someone has had to rule the masses. In order to be in control, the guy in charge of the cave had to have the biggest club. Later on, it was decided that only certain people could be armed. So in the Middle Ages, knights rode around with their swords and battle-axes. If you were a peasant, well then all you could do was stay out of sight in order to stay alive. In 1775, farmers in the New England Colonies took up arms against armed British troops.

Now for some two hundred and twenty years, we have had a Constitution, plus The Bill of Rights comprising the first ten amendments, to the Constitution. There have been some roadblocks along the way, but the Country is now a decent place for its citizens. The First Amendment gives us the rights for freedom of speech and separation of church and state. The Second amendment gives us the right to bear arms. But if a culture or civilization, such as ours is going to be forced to give up its rights for freedom of speech, separation of church and state then the right to bear arms will be the first to go.

The New World Order crowd and the Politically Correct Left agendas are going to transform this nation into a Nation of “have and have-nots”, without any say by the people, as to where we as a Nation are going. Our language, culture and the very existence of our country, are being stripped from us. Outside forces and the fifth column (from within) are in the driver’s seat and we are along for the ride. Hello Sharia law and aqui se habla espanol, mi amigos.

Before Islam

In the Qur’an you will find passages about Abraham. It lays the foundation for Islam. The Qur’an talks about Isaac, Ishmael and Abraham but where are the pre-Islamic scrolls; houses of worship or other organized structured pre-Muhammad teachings of Allah and the coming of Muhammad. There may have been some teachings of the story of Abraham and his sons and a convoluted version of the life of Abraham that some of the tribes of Saudi Arabia passed down over time. There may have been talk about a prophet, but the Old Testament talks about a number of prophets (not Muhammad). In Mecca, the Muslims have the Kaaba (with the black stone) as their holiest Shrine. It is said to be their direct connection to Abraham and Ishmael but the site is also said to go back to Adam. The site was used for pagan worship most of its existence before Muhammad. There were some Monotheists (Jews and Christians) but the tribes of Saudi Arabia had no united structure. There was no central government, only tribal laws. The rest of the known world had gone through a series of civilizations.

Present day Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Syria and part of Turkey were the birthplace of civilization. Islam is a counterfeit version of the old and new testaments. It is a convoluted version. The Qur’an of the Seventh Century conveniently had all its pre-Muhammad history added to it at the time the Qur’an was written. It was able to summarize two thousands years of pre-Islamic nonexistence history. Not unlike Judaism and Christianity, the Seventh Century Qur’an doesn’t have any revolutionary revelations about the true nature of the Universe (the big bang or quantum mechanics), even though modern day Muslim scientists try to validate the Qur’an with statements that the sciences are found in the Qur’an. Its primary purpose is the submission of the mind, body, soul and politics into the world order of Islam. Regardless if you believe in God or not, the sole purpose of Islam is to dominate the world. It has been this way since its conception and will be this way until the last Muslim Imam draws his last breath.

Where as Emperor Constantine used Christianity to unite the peoples in the Roman Empire, so did Muhammad use the Qur'an to unite the tribes of Saudi Arabia. He took from Christianity (his wife was a Christian), Judaism, folklore about Abraham and the old religion of moon worship and came up with Islam. He needed a religion to unite the people so he plagiarized Christianity and Judaism to give it legitimacy. But in his religion he is the last of the prophets. By doing this, he made Christianity and Judaism obsolete. The Dome of the Rock was built to replace Judaism with Islam. One of the largest mosques in Europe is in Rome. The City of Istanbul was once Constantinople, the seat of the Eastern (Christian) Rome Empire (Emperor Constantine) and later the Byzantine (Christian) Empire. Islam’s sole purpose is to replace both Christianity and Judaism with Islam. And at the same time, use Christianity and Judaism to give Islam legitimacy.

It is the most dangerous mind controlling dogma the world is facing today or ever has confronted. Politics have been removed from Christianity. Islam on the other hand is based on politics and the submission of the world to Islam. The Seventh Century tribes of Saudi Arabia may have benefited from Islam. And for a time Islam may have been a viable alternative to Christianity but Christianity has been able to adapt to the modern world and shed its warring ways. Islam has not adapted to the modern world. Its pivotal foundation is conquest and the submission of the world to Islam. It is not a pure religion but a political dogma intertwined with religion. It enforces Sharia Law with the teachings of the Qur’an (Koran). There is no separation of religion and government. You cannot be a devout traditional Muslim without obeying Sharia Law.

There are only two true Abrahamic religions, not three. Islam is a contrived distorted mythology that should take its place along side Greek mythology. Christianity may or may not survive the test of time, but most modern Christians can use Christianity as a moral compass without calling for Jihad and the killing of others that don’t follow Sharia Law. Maybe there is a possibility of a reformation for Islam, but unlike the teachings of Jesus (forgive them for they do not know what they do), Muhammad on his deathbed cursed the Jews and Christians.

In The Year 2030

I was waken by the roosters and looked out into the street below. The street is partially filled with a multitude of children and observant veiled women. No dogs are seen or heard, they are unclean and considered evil. On the corner of the street is a flock of goats. In place of lawns, are weeds and patches of corn and other garden vegetables. It is not hard to hear the language of the street, “Spanish”. An occasional old pickup filled with armed militia drives by. The only parked cars are apparently disabled. I see a group of men sitting out in front of a small café. They appear to be drinking coffee and by the raised voices, are talking about Sharia law. A couple blocks away is a house of worship. It is not a church but a mosque and from a loud speaker comes the call to prayer in Arabic.

It is hard to believe that in my grandfather’s day that this was called The United States of America. But due to illegal immigration and the out of control birth rate, the land is now basically Latino dominated by Islam. After the trashing of the United States of America’s Constitution by the politically correct on the left and the money on the right, the country was transformed into a Spanish-speaking people. The country became a population of have and have-nots. But that did not last for long. Not unlike the 1910-1920 Mexican revolution, the haciendas (gated communities) of the rich were taken over (with much lose of life) by the socialistic masses of the Latino have-nots. With no centralized government, the already entrench Islamic jihadist saw the opportunity and began the forced conversion of the masses to Islam. After the forced conversion, wholesale terror has waned, the mass executions have now subsided but the baseball fields are now used for violations of Sharia law. Dhimmis (non-Muslims) are allowed limited freedoms but are under close scrutiny. After prayer I guess I will walk to the local market and buy some food. The market is basically void of any food supplies but that is all right, I don’t have any money.

The Southern border fence was never completed and the Latino influx and colonization of the southwest lead to the diffusion and saturation of the entire Nation. The Islamic migration and Sharia law came across the Canadian border. Checking grandma's shoes at the airport didn't help.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No place for Christmas in Utopia

The Modern Version of Utopia

(The exclusion of Christmas)

Progressive secularism, globalism and inclusion (at the expense of that which offends), are samplings of the Utopian world of the future. It is said that opposites attract, positive and negative charges attract. Electron pairs have opposite spin. The opposite poles of a magnet attract. Communism and Socialism are opposite but in many ways are the same, opposite but with similar ends.

The secular progressive left wants to remove Christianity. Islam wants to remove Christianity. Inclusion is designed to diversify (dilute) at the expense of Christianity. First by dilution, then followed by the removal of Christianity. Next, the other included religions are removed one by one. Secularism creates a godless vacuum. Nature abhors vacuums. The human psyche is starved without religion. Be it the religion of Communism or other traditional religions, Man has to have a creed to follow.

Islam and Sharia Law are like the ocean tide, waiting to flow into the godless vacuum. In Sir Thomas More’s book “Utopia”, the Island of Utopia is shaped like a crescent moon.