Monday, March 10, 2008

Adam the first human, the first Muslim

The Muslims believe that Adam, “the first man” was the first Muslim. According to some Muslims, Adam built the original Ka’ba (seven to eight thousand years ago?). Hadiths and Muslim scholars of that time, also said the age of the earth was about six or seven to eight thousand years old (similar to the age in the Old Testament). Because of what Western science has determined, Muslims now say the earth is 4.5 billion years old and you have to understand that the Qur’an meant (Allah’s creation took six days) 4.5 billion years, if you twist the words around. That makes the Ka’ba the oldest and best built building in the World. However, I do believe that there are now Muslims who believe as Western science believes, modern man came out of Africa a million years ago and/or a couple hundred thousand years ago. All you have to do is go back and look at the Qur’an and realize, time as it is today, was different back then (4.5 billion, one million, two hundred thousand or six thousand years ago?), that still makes the Ka’ba pretty old. You can’t beat Islamic science and technology back then or as it is in the world today. Also with the Ka’ba located in Mecca, why isn’t it located in Kenya Africa where modern Man first appeared?

Adam was the first human given the knowledge of Allah, but this knowledge was lost. According to Islam, the Old and New Testaments are also the Word of Allah but the Jews and the Christians (later) corrupted the books. Why did Allah allow this to happen? As stated in the Qur'an, Abraham (of the Old Testament) and Ishmael were commanded by Allah to rebuild the Ka’ba. The Ka'ba was the first place on earth appointed as a house of worship. Why didn't Allah command the Prophet Moses and his people, to go to Mecca? Why didn't the Prophet Jesus journey to Mecca during his lifetime? When the Qur’an was written after the Gospels, Jesus’ mother was said to be the sister (Miriam) of Moses. The Qur’an confuses Mary, mother of Jesus, with Mary (Miriam), sister of Aaron and Moses, in the Old Testament. But again this is to be taken symbolically; the Qur’an has no errors in it and you have to give the Qur’an some slack. It is the only book in the world that has no errors, it was written by Allah, right?

It is said by some, Muhammad and his followers wrote the Qur’an, they plagiarized the Testaments; they didn’t have any concept of time pertaining to the bible and mankind before civilization. When they were rewriting the bible (the Qur’an) they didn’t consult with Jewish and Christian scholars, was that a blunder or was it done on purpose? One can talk about the errors in the bible but the Muslims compounded the errors by plagiarizing the bible and putting their own slant (reformation) on the bible. They called the new uncorrupted version of God’s (Allah) message, “the Qur’an” and declared Muhammad the new Prophet. Therefore, even though the Old Testament and the Gospels are also the Word of Allah, somehow Allah allowed the Jews and Christians to corrupt his word, they were evil and wicked people!

Isn’t convenient that the Christians got the story about the Prophet Jesus wrong. Jesus was not the Son of God but only a Prophet like Muhammad and a lesser Prophet. Jesus did not die on the cross; he did not die for the sins of Man. If Jesus was only a man, but a man like Buddha, with insight as to what God is and how we should live our lives, he would be disappointed and sadden by what many Christians did in the name of God and mortified by the vulcanization, distortion and misrepresentation by Islam. You can point out that the Christians also made the Old Testament obsolete, so what Islam did to the Gospels was no different. However, the world doesn’t have 2 billion Christians threatening (maybe in the past), the world with submission, oppression and possible death. But it does have 1.4 billion Muslims looking to the day when Allah rules the World.

It is said that you can find the speed of light and the big bang theory in the Qur’an, if you twist the words around enough. The problem is, today, Islam is using modern Western science to validate the Qur’an at the expense of Western religion. If you are a Christian, you can’t view the world through modern science but if you are a Muslim, modern science is revealed in the Qur’an. As to the original messages and dates in the Torah (bible) and the Qur’an, the civilization of the Fertile Crescent didn’t emerge until after the last ice age of ten thousand years ago. So the time frames found in both Judaism and Islam are understandable, if one is using the texts as a moral compass but understand that Modern science is revealing the true age and nature of the Universe. Was there a cosmic intelligence that created the Universe and is this Universal Consciousness hardwired to each and every being on earth and the rest of the Universe? There are billion and billions of heavenly bodies in the vast universe. So what difference does it make what we call the Cosmic Consciousness, is it God or a number of Gods, is it male or female? As Man looks to the heavens, he has seen the face of god as Buddha, the Great Spirit, Jehovah, Allah, Jesus and other deities. But it is looking back on all of us without favoritism, for if there is a Cosmic Consciousness, it sees us all, as his children.

Man the highest form of life on earth and possibly the Universe is evolving, possibly evolving into the image of God. Man can now procreate in a test tube; he is unraveling the code of life. The creation of life might be in his grasp, death, as we know it may be altered. Man may some day travel and colonize the Universe. Earth may be the Garden of Eden and as we gain the knowledge of God, we may have to leave our earthly birthplace, as the earth is overpopulated and polluted. As Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, maybe the grand design is for man to populate other planets and colonize the Universe. Adam and Eve were not Muslims, they represent the first humans and like children, they were void of prejudges caused by religion.

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