Friday, November 16, 2007

So like Nero, we fiddle while Rome burns.

We as a people, as a nation, as the leader of the western world, are witnessing the beginning of the end of our place in History, as one of the great civilizations. Western civilization as we know it is about to change.

The population of the world has reached critical mass. Globalization, greed, economic changes, outsourcing, the migration of the third world, availability of food and water, environmental pollution, the changing climate and the spread of Islam are about to clash. It is as if the earth is a biosystem, a living entity that is about to dislodge humanity or reduce its numbers. Humanity is but a moment in the march of time, the Universe and this planet were here long before man and will be here long after man.

Change is a constant and normally we can’t see beyond today. We are at that point in time where the future has been laid out before us and we don’t like the cards that we have been dealt so like Nero, we fiddle while Rome burns.

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