Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Next on the list of the New World Order and the Politically Correct Left, will be our freedom of speech and the right to have arms.

Before the dawn of civilization, someone has had to rule the masses. In order to be in control, the guy in charge of the cave had to have the biggest club. Later on, it was decided that only certain people could be armed. So in the Middle Ages, knights rode around with their swords and battle-axes. If you were a peasant, well then all you could do was stay out of sight in order to stay alive. In 1775, farmers in the New England Colonies took up arms against armed British troops.

Now for some two hundred and twenty years, we have had a Constitution, plus The Bill of Rights comprising the first ten amendments, to the Constitution. There have been some roadblocks along the way, but the Country is now a decent place for its citizens. The First Amendment gives us the rights for freedom of speech and separation of church and state. The Second amendment gives us the right to bear arms. But if a culture or civilization, such as ours is going to be forced to give up its rights for freedom of speech, separation of church and state then the right to bear arms will be the first to go.

The New World Order crowd and the Politically Correct Left agendas are going to transform this nation into a Nation of “have and have-nots”, without any say by the people, as to where we as a Nation are going. Our language, culture and the very existence of our country, are being stripped from us. Outside forces and the fifth column (from within) are in the driver’s seat and we are along for the ride. Hello Sharia law and aqui se habla espanol, mi amigos.

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